Wi-Fly Remote lets you use your iPhone or iPod touch as a remote-control joystick for X-Plane®, the excellent desktop flight simulator by Laminar Research*.
Like they say, the best joystick is the one that you carry with you at all times. Perfect for on-the-road laptop flying!
NOTE: You MUST have a copy of the X-Plane desktop flight simulator (NOT the same-named iPhone app) to use Wi-Fly Remote. This app is useless by itself! Please see requirements below.
See http://danieldickison.com/wifly for demo videos and to download the free Wi-Fly Plugin for X-Plane.
- Large trackpad allows for "blind" control
- 4 axes of control: tilt x/y and trackpad x/y
- Very fast response time
- Customizable axis parameters
- Built-in control presets for fixed-wing aircraft (yoke, rudder and throttle) and helicopters (cyclic, yaw and collective)
- "Hold" switch so you can set it down without going in to a nosedive
- X-Plane version 8.50+ or 9.30+ on Mac OS X (10.5+) or Windows (sorry, Linux is not currently supported by the plugin).
- The free Wi-Fly Plugin available from http://danieldickison.com/wifly
- iPhone or iPod touch must be connected via Wi-Fi to the same local network as the computer running X-Plane.
* Wi-Fly Remote is not developed or endorsed by Laminar Research.